Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am off to PICK A FIGHT

This is one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies..
‘BraveHeart’.. not to be confused with BraveBird. The story of William
Wallace who fought for Scotland against England for their FREEEEDOOOMM!

At one point in the movie the Scots who were greatly outnumbered by the
English are about to do battle. The well armed, well trained English did
not take this rag-tag Scottish army seriously. Then at a peaceful moment of
negations between the two sides before battle, William Wallace (Mel Gibson)
rides his horse into this little meeting after announcing calmly.. “I am
off to PICK A FIGHT.”

I won’t get into the details, but he did taunt and mock the English until..
yes THERE WAS A FIGHT… and the Scots won!

To me this movie is significant in the message of doing what is right no
matter the cost (even life), and while not looking for a fight also we need
NOT BEING AFRAID TO FIGHT. What.. Christians fight? No, no, not the
believe we need to know when to fight. Our Christian Faith we need to be
willing to stand up and fight for.

A while back there was a news item that I believe is an interesting
example. The legislature of South Dakota voted in a state law that
prohibits almost all forms of abortion, and the governor signed it. Woooo..
so politically dangerous. Hmmmm, how will that affect the Republicans
chances in the next elections? Will there be negative fallout for the
party? This will obviously go to the Supreme Court!! The media is going to
have a field day, and then all the fear stories of the dangerous religious
right will be the evening mantra to the public. And to quote Piglet (from
Winnie the Pooh fame) a devout pacifist.. “Oh d-dear, oh d-dear!!.

But I do have an answer for that concern. WHO CARES.. it is TIME TO PICK A
FIGHT. This is not a republican versus democrat issue.. this is a choice of

No, not abortion clinic bombings, or threats to Planned Parenthood, BUT it
is time to quit apologizing like we are wrong. Of course you can tell by
this email I have the political savvy and wits of the infamous ‘bull in a
china shop’. But again.. WHO CARES.. I’m here TO PICK A FIGHT.

So.. are you a Republican or Democrat? Liberal or Conservative? Big
government advocate or libertarian? Fundamentalist or Radical? Pacifist or
Zealot? If I must have a label.. then how about.. Christian. I am a
follower of Jesus Christ.

I believe in the God of my Bible and not just any god. I believe the
teachings of the Bible are unchanging, and should NEVER be subject to man’s
so-called enlightenment.

SO PICK A FIGHT WITH ME. I hope it’s not a fist fight, because I bruise
like a peach. Now when in a fight don’t pretend you know it all, but don’t
apologize for what you do know and believe. All the labels above are man’s
labels, and all are subject to God’s truth. So let’s all as believers at
least agree on the Bible as God’s word for man… then we are ready to PICK A

I am not recruiting any right winged or left winged or buffalo winged cause
(though I prefer buffalo wings to either political side). Christians are
called to be tolerant & compassionate, but never milk-toast wimpy believers
afraid to share AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH to Oprah-like followers that there is
only one God. God calls us to be happy, confident, with a healthy
self-esteem in who we are in Christ, and then PICK A FIGHT even with

No need likely to bloody a nose, but no need either to EVER back down to
anyone that defies the teachings of our Bibles. Picking a Fight is more
than standing strong on issues like abortion, gay rights v marriage, drugs
& alcohol, the cancer of porn, but also include the fight for THE NEEDY,
and the LOST? Be strong, be compassionate, be obedient, and then you are
ready to PICK A FIGHT for your God and for others who need Him.

May God bless each of us today as we pursue God’s truth. May God smile at,
and bless our sincere efforts to serve Him and others with love… and may
God bless us and use us in ways that are BEYOND OUR DREAMS.

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