Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Men want to give the impression that we are manly men.. who don’t cry
(unless our sports teams lose), and only tolerate romantic movies if they
mix in a great car chase. Real men are not afraid of the dark, they are the
head of their homes, and real men DON’T EAT QUICHE! In summary.. Real men

I often fall just two letters short of being unflappable, but missing those
two little letters U and N leave me ... flappable. AND.. in the words of
Maxwell Smart.. "missed it by this much."

Good news is that ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ Now if I will
allow my mind and heart to realize this perfect truth of God I then.. can
earn back those two little letters UN and stop my twisting in the wind.

BUT.. while striving to be unflappable please do confuse this with being
calloused. This Life on Earth is filled with sadness, money issues,
sickness, death, and other trials that require a tender heart and caring

We must be passionate, compassionate, and diligent in response to life’s
unfortunate circumstances, and the needs of others.

May God bless each of you today with His answers to life’s trials, and
bless you in ways that are beyond your dreams. Love God, love others, and
the rest is trivial pursuit. Remember ‘If God is for us, who can be against

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