Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bit Players and Power Brokers of the First Church

Today let me present Bit Players and Power Brokers of the First Church. So
far I have covered the Old Testament, followed by the Gospels.. so why not
The First Church written about in the Book of Acts.

As soon as Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven the bit players and power
brokers were all busy in their roles in and around the First Church.

- At Jesus Ascension into Heaven there was a few bit player who bubbled
over with nervous chatter.
- Just a few weeks earlier waaayyy SOUTH of Jeruselum there could be found
doubting bit players.
- Matthias, a bit player is chosen to become a power broker (aka disciple)
to replace the recently departed Judas.
- Peter and John were imprisoned after inciting a revival. Rumor was they
set up a Nativity Set in the town square.

- Stephen was stoned by the religous right of their day fearing Stephen
would rise from Christian bit player to power broker.
- Influenced by all the public persecutions, jailings, and stonings Roger,
Tim, and Bobemeus enter the very first Witness Protection Program .. as bit
NEXT.. enters Saul the Pharisee Powerbroker until he SAW THE LIGHT along
the Damascus Road reducing him to blind bit player.
- Simon was a bit player in the new Christian movement, but was a power
broker in the emerging tanning industry with his very successful chain of
tanning salons Simons Tanners

- Waaayyy before Simon on American Idol there was a bit player jailer/
music critic who did not believe Paul had what it took to rise from a life
behind bars to become a first century pop star / power broker
- Waaayyy before I ever dosed in Church, bit player Eutychus nodded off,
fell to his death DURING CHURCH, then.. IT'S A MIRACLE.. he is alive again.
Long live the patron saint for those who sleep in church!
- Snake Handlers are misguided bit players in some churches today.. and to
think they were inspired by snake bit power broker Paul.


Besides the life of Jesus Christ on Earth where bit player carpenter was
actually the son of God and true power broker of our Salvation, there has
in my opinion NEVER been a bit player used by God to be a power broker for
His will that all should know Him like the Apostle Paul.

From power broker Pharisee, then blinded by Jesus on that Damascus Road, to
living out his life where all that mattered was telling a lost world the
truth of Jesus Christ. Blinded, beaten, snake biten, persecuted, and
imprisoned..BUT he was too busy serving God to realize it.

I want to be a man like Paul, but I have a ways to go where NOTHING MATTERS
in my life except serving God. I go to church, I am a good guy, BUT.. Paul
raised the bar where few follow.

May God inspire us to love, serve, and be used by Him in ways that are
beyond any bit player status we may believe you carry.

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