Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ant Farms and Worker Bees!

All for one, and one for all! The ants go marching one by one hooray!
hooray! The marching of the little people is what makes this world
work. You see there are presidents, kings, superstar athletes, CEOs of
major corporations, and then there is me. There are men of great strength,
Hollywood celebrities, super models, great authors, and there is me.

So where do you fit into this world? Are you a superstar or just an worker
bee? Do you run a major corporation or are you just part of life's ant
farm? Truth is I like it here on the farm. Just another face in the sea of
faces.. and you know what they say.. all ants look alike. The Ant Farm of
Christ.. all one farm of many ants.

I have not polled any ants or bees, but I think the message they have is
being about the business that needs to be done, and not being jealous of
the queen bees or other foreman of your ant farm staff.

So how does that fit in with the body of Christ? Selfless service and
simply doing what needs to be done no matter if you are the next Billy
Graham, the next church janitor, or a mechanic! Whether you are the head
of a corporation, work in the mail room, or waiter at the local pie
shop. What if you are a mom buried with the responsibilities of caring for
your preschool children, or a teacher of 4th graders, or a senior widow
woman slowed by old age? All one body of many parts, and all parts

The list of possibilities go on and on.. and so do I, BUT what if each of
us were this selfless? What if we really believed this life was only a
stepping stone to eternity in Heaven then what would it matter the
recognition, what would it matter our bank account balance? What if we were
each faithful in the moment to our neighbors in need, and not worried about
our status and recognition in this life? What a life this could be if we
were all happy living in God's ant farms or being His little worker bees.

Ok you can stop cringing. GOD'S BUGS? what a high calling! LOL! Maybe the
bar should set a bit higher. I mean, the classic Hymns if we were bugs may
be The Ants Go Marching One By One, Hoorah! or the Flight of the Bumblebee.

Reality is to be true to who God made you. This makes God smile, and leads
you to be happy and where you can then get the most out of this life from
this day forward. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in

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