Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quit being such a BIG BABY!

When we first enter this world we all get a free pass for acting like

babies because we are .. babies. Afraid, fussy, confused, messy, tired, and

cranky is all part of our baby resume.

Toddler and Preschool years are filled with so much change (no diaper pun

intended) where we want to both independent ( "but i don't want a nap!" ) ,

and dependent ( "mommy mommy where are you?" ) all in the same little body.

In Elementary School being immature is still a given,.. and will get you

into certain careless trouble.

A Teenager is actually a 'provisional adult' where saggy fashion choices

and road warrior indiscretions leave the adult world scratching their

collective heads over what the future holds.

From ages 18 to 969 or so, we are now classified Adults. So crying ,

pouting , and fits of anger are frowned upon but obviously still present!

Next let's shift over to our Faith Walk where Paul compares new believers

to babies.

New Believers are like a babies in need of the basics (the milk) and not

ready for solid food.. but we need to grow as believers and mature to men

or women of God.

We can grow our faith by faithfully and daily reading our bibles (the meat)

and follow it’s teachings. Starting with the ‘deep simplicity’ in the two

greatest commands to love God, and love others as we love ourselves. This

needs to become our first line of obedience making way for maturing in


The power in His Word is the unchanging uncompromising and loving truths of

God’s and are sharper than any 2 edged sword able to cut through any issue

this life presents.

In the end it is a choice .. We can stay babies afraid of a little PAPER

CUT or learn and grow with God’s truths that taps into a life that is

satisfying and complete no matter our circumstances.

May God bless each of you in your love and service to God and others. May

His peace and love give you perspective like never before. May we become

mature men and women after God's own heart!

important note: For those times where I stumble as a believer and my

behavior is less than mature, I know God's grace is always there for me

with the love of a perfect parent.

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