Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who's in control ?

“May people ever pray for him and bless him all day long.” Psalm 72:15

Our nation is a divided one and has been for years. Red states, blue states. But whoever is in office, whoever sits in the Senate or the House or behind the benches of the Supreme Court need our prayers. Whoever governs the state where you live, or the town, or the school board needs our prayers. All figures in authority in our nation of the people, were put there by the people or appointed by someone who was put there by the people. Havre you prayed for them regularly?

If we are to remain one nation under God we must be indivisible through prayer. The person in office may not have your beliefs, values or political support, but God is very clear that we are to pray for them and that all people in authority are there for a reason. We must humble ourselves to His wishes and pray for those in authority even though they seem ungodly. We are a blessed nation, one of the wealthiest in the world. Yet we are often barren in our beliefs, personal disciplines and lifestyles. America is the new mission field. America need prayer. So do our leaders.

Heavenly Father, our times, our nation, our states and our towns are in Your Hands and we lift up those in authority. You are a God of wonder, of promises and second chances. If these officials do not know you, we pray their heart may be turned so that they may come to know Your Son as their Savior to rule over their decisions. If they have strayed, we pray that Your voice will lead them back. If they bend a knee every morning to you, we pray that You will give them strength to follow You in all circumstances and be a beacon of justice and truth.. Until the day comes when Your Son returns and every knee shall bow, keep this land in Your sight and under your protective wings and teach us to pray daily for it and those who govern it. Amen.

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1

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