Monday, August 23, 2010

Note to Self…

I find that my life is filled with ‘notes to self’ where I need to make

note to self regarding the often obvious issues of the day that I need to


For example ...

-regarding elections.. NOTE TO SELF..’Friends don’t let friends vote for

pro-wrestlers for state governor.

- regarding marriage.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Be honest, but careful in the words

you choose to support your wife... and sometimes less is more.

With these two very real world common sense NOTES TO SELF.. let me continue

on this theme.

Old Testament.. NOTES

Adam.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Know HOW to multiply’

Adam.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘a rib in exchange for pretty woman is a sweet deal’

Cain.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘God’s ways are not PETA friendly’

Mr. Unicorn.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Don’t mix up RSVPs with the daily junk mail’

Abraham.. NOTE TO SELF.. Do not confuse ‘My wife and my sister.’

Abraham.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Do not confuse wife with maidservant.’

Sarah.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Men will always be men.’

Bob the Bull.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Beware of a Jew with a meat cleaver’

Sam the Sheep.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Always remember to FLOSS’

Spy #1.. NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Don’t hide out with prostitutes’

Guard Tower Sentry.. ‘Don’t Trash Talk those who are in Marching Bands’

Goliath – NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Beware of boys with sling shots that smell like


Solomon – NOTE TO SELF.. ‘It is good to be married’

Benny the Baal Priest- NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Jewish Prophets tend to be Smart


Shadrach – NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Hot.. is the new Cool’

Larry the Lion- NOTE TO SELF.. ‘Don’t pig out at the salad bar, and have 3

large pops on all you can eat prophet night at the Old Testament Buffet.'

There you have it.. and today my.. NOTE TO SELF is.. Love God with all my

heart soul and mind and others as myself.. in all that I do. and Trust in

the Lord will all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding, in all

my ways acknowledge Him and He will direct my paths. the rest is trivial
