Thursday, June 24, 2010

When your’e SMILING..

Today let me share the gospel message from singer songwriter Louis


but do not be confused.. the cartoons are MINE!.. Louie plays tunes, and I

draw toons.

When you're smilin'....keep on smilin'.. The whole world smiles with you

And when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'.. The sun comes shinin'


But when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain

So stop your frownin' happy again

Cause when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'

The whole world smiles with you

(instrumental break)

Oh when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'

The whole world smiles with you

Ah when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'

The sun comes shinin' through

Now when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain

So stop that sighin' happy again

Cause when you're smilin'....just keep on smilin'

And the whole world gonna smile with

The great big world will smile with

The whole wide world will smile with you!

Thank you Louie.. thank you very much!

Ok I am right there with those of you who do not feel like smiling or

laughing all the time in a Ned Flanders-like oblivion to circumstances

around us. The only thing funny in your life right now may be your credit

score, or that big ol zit on the end of your nose.. BUT God is the answer (

sometimes in clearly miraculous ways ) to bad credit scores, zits, rocky

marriages, drink, food, and any other circumstance ever encountered by man.

So with this rock hard truth in mind.. today I choose to smile and praise

God for His love and Care in a world that so often is unloving, and


May God be so very real to each of you today. May His blessing and

providence be your comfort, and may we as believers be His hands and His

feet to a world in need.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The return of Jesus is like a Thief in the Night as detailed in Matthew 24,

and I believe Luke 12. We do not know the time or the hour of our Lord’s

Return. so..


This is an integral message of the Gospels that Jesus will return and we

need to be followers of Jesus. BUT…

What about us believers who are ready.. BUT ..not ready?

It is like having unexpected family visit from out of town but the house is

a clutter and the guest room looks like a thrift store storage closet and

certainly not suitable for visiting family. The good news is they are

family, but the bad news is this clutter can be embarrassing… even for a

GUY like me.

I know I pass the 'first' READY test because I am a have accepted Jesus as

my savior,. BUT as far as my house in order for when Jesus comes back? I

would have to admit I sometimes have a 'bit' of clutter going on.

My Bible at times is HIDDEN under a stack of junk mail, and

my prayers fit in nooks and crannies of a busy day rather than an action as

natural as breathing.

The sad irony is.. my weary mind may instead decide to Veg-out in front of

the TV as I try to unwind from a busy day INSTEAD of being alone with God

praying or reading His word. This is not a guilt trip just a simple honest


BUT.. today is a great day to start anew, and clean the cluttered room in

my head and heart. I am rested and thankful for salvation in Jesus, and

thankful for a Heavenly Father who I can talk to through out my day.. and

so today I am ready. Peaceful, smiling, and thankful for a personal

relationship with the creator of all things.

There is but ONE GOD, and He loves me.

Note: So while the return of the Lord is as unexpected as a Thief in the

Night, he is NOT a thief but instead family. When Jesus comes again it will

be a great day, and I plan to be ready.

Finally, remember the Lord’s Return will be a surprise.. no one knows the

day or the hour of His return.. like a thief in the night..