I am 51 years old and the reality is I am most likely.. well OVER HALF WAY
I live in a society where making the monthly mortgage payment is not a
given anymore. So this glimpse of Heaven where my credit score is good, my
mortgage is paid in full, my joints don't hurt is welcome. In Heaven there
is no financial debt, debt of sin, and all other earthly blooper moment is
drowned in a sea of God's grace. When I have these glimpses of Heaven, my
shoulders relax, my mind is peaceful and I smile.
Unfortunately I know as I finish this blog and return to the challenges of
my day my body will hurt, I will get tired, maybe cranky, and there still
will be RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC. Bills will need to be paid, tempers will flare,
bad things will happen to good people, and good people will not always be
good. In summary the HUMAN CONDITION will continue.
But praise God for this spiritual journey, and for the love of our creator.
A love so great that He has always been involved with man to the point of
sending his son Jesus to save us... and then.. SOMEDAY HEAVEN.
Heaven is not an exclusive club of the rich and famous or the few and far
between Mother Theresa's. Praise God for the saints, but Heaven is for all
who believe. Let's today fall in love with this truth. Let's not lose sight
of a God who loves us, and in response love Him and care for others like
never before, THEN.. someday Heaven.